Chris Develin, Agilyx Founder and Chief Solution Architect

As co-founder of Agilyx, Chris has made a name for himself in the ERP system design and implementation sphere, with a robust career spanning over two decades. His expertise spans nearly every industry, with a special emphasis on business that are service-oriented and people-centric.

Chris has contributed to the development and implementation of sophisticated payroll systems across the globe, delivering solutions that blend technical innovation with practical applicability. His ability to understand and execute complex projects, within even the strictest regulatory environments, highlights his expertise in the unique needs of the public sector.

Chris’s commitment to Agilyx and the broader field reflects a deep-seated passion for leveraging technology to drive organisational excellence. His leadership and visionary approach have not only propelled Agilyx forward, but have also led to the idea and creation of MUNIvers.

Meet our people

At MUNIvers, we prioritize the human element in property tax, utility billing, and citizen engagement, ensuring a seamless experience for all stakeholders. Allow us to introduce some of the individuals behind our commitment to excellence.

Philip Pepper

Global Chief Revenue Officer

Driven to win, Philip is a modern sales leader and trusted advisor who prioritises innovation and customer-centricity by continuously pushing boundaries, fostering a culture of creativity, and relentlessly pursuing customer satisfaction through personalized solutions and exceptional service.

Shelley Zapp, President North America
Shelley Zapp

President of North America

Explore how a seasoned IT leader, boasting over 30 years of expertise, pioneers growth and innovation in Agilyx and MUNIvers solutions, crafting modern, citizen-centric solutions tailored to both public needs and back-end users.

Jason Matthews, Global Product Manager
Jason Matthews

Global Product Manager

Jason Matthews, with over two decades of experience, spearheads customer-oriented solutions, revolutionizing Canadian public sector technology and aligning perfectly with our product ethos.

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Transforming municipal government with powerful revenue management solutions to better connect, engage and serve citizens.

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