What is MUNIvers Customer Advisory Board?

Are you looking for an exciting opportunity to shape the future of local government technology?

If so, we’re excited to invite you to join us on the M-CAB, where municipal government leaders and industry experts come together to collaborate on innovative solutions that challenge the status quo.

As a board member, you will have the chance to influence the roadmap of our flagship Property Tax & Utility Billing solution, network with like-minded peers, and receive exclusive benefits such as early access to new features and priority support.

Ready to take your seat at the MUNIvers table? Fill out this form and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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Key Benefits of the M-CAB

Unique Perspectives

As a member of the M-CAB, you will have the opportunity to share your expert insights and industry knowledge to help guide strategic decisions, product development and service enhancements. This unique perspective is invaluable when it comes to adapting to customer needs and expectations.

Collaborate with Like-minded Peers

You will have the chance to gain valuable insights from professionals like yourself in key municipal roles. Leverage the diverse backgrounds, and experiences of other M-CAB board members by engaging in meaningful conversations and collaborating opportunities.

Influence Our Product Roadmap

Your feedback will be taken into consideration when determining the direction and priorities of MUNIvers’s offerings. This makes sure that products are tailored to meet changing customer needs and expectations.

Exclusive Benefits

M-CAB membership offers exclusive benefits to all contributors such as early access to new features, priority support, and customer advanced release preview access. You’ll also benefit from incredible networking opportunities with industry leaders committed to transforming the future of municipal government.

Your Commitment

At MUNIvers, we highly regard your expertise, viewpoints, and experiences that you bring to the table. M-CAB meetings will be scheduled twice a month. These meetings will actively encourage feedback and participation from members, including:

  • Feedback on recently released features
  • Feedback on workflows (useful, applicable, intuitive, efficient, etc.)
  • Ad hoc feedback from live demonstrations showing features from recent sprints
  • Insight into members’ municipalities’ regulatory requirements, business processes, and struggles with their current solutions
  • Discussions about near-term upcoming product development
  • Discussions about medium-term product development and future roadmap priorities
  • General solution suitability

Our objective is to provide all M-CAB members with agendas and related information well ahead of meetings, providing ample time to gather information and arrange for any necessary SMEs to participate.

As a member of the M-CAB, you will be instrumental in helping us shape the future of our solutions for local governments across the country. From brainstorming innovative new ideas, to validating existing concepts, your feedback is essential throughout – ensuring that we continue building customer-centric solutions that meet the needs of municipalities.

We hope that throughout this process, we can gain your trust through our transparency in MUNIvers’s development process. Your industry expertise and insight are truly invaluable to us, and we look forward to leveraging your knowledge to develop products and services that continue to exceed our customers’ expectations.

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Transforming municipal government with powerful revenue management solutions to better connect, engage and serve citizens.

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