Replace disjointed processes with a streamlined approach

Explore the key features of our Property Tax solution, ranging from comprehensive assessment tools to intuitive taxpayer portals, all aimed at simplifying property tax management. With seamless integration, customisable assessment methods, and robust reporting capabilities, optimise tax collection processes and ensure compliance with ease.

Key Features

Assessment Management

View different categorisations/subtotals of assessments for easy balancing and review assessments prior to approval. Load asessments from external agencies/sources, including BC Assessment, MPAC, and CAMAlot (Catalis Company).

Apportionment Functionality

Enable apportionment for assessments, local improvements, and balances for subdivided parcels, thereby ensuring equitable distribution of property tax obligations.

Local Improvement Management

Manage local improvement projects and associated charges, thereby ensuring that improvements to public infrastructure are accurately accounted for in tax calculations.

Mortgage Provider Alignment

Facilitate interactions with mortgage companies regarding property tax payments, ensuring smooth communication and timely payment.

Rebate and Deferral Administration

Manage rebate and deferral programs for eligible properties, providing much-needed relief for property owners who meet certain criteria.

Full-Cycle Tax Management

Generate tax certificates and official documentation of property tax status. Facilitate the process of selling properties for unpaid taxes, ensuring that your municipality can recover outstanding tax revenue.

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